
Youth Leagues
At PrintCo Printing & Embroidery our community service philosophy is rooted in the core belief that we have a universal responsibility for the general welfare of the communities and societies in which we operate. Because of this belief, we feel it’s our civic duty to help the disadvantaged among us whenever we can. In today’s business climate many businesses are solely concerned with profits and not much else. While we fully understand the importance of profits, we also know that profits alone won’t help make our communities better places to live, work and play. We believe it takes businesses using those profits in many diverse areas of society to improve the live, work, play aspect of all our communities.
Here at PrintCo, all aspects of our business culture are built on this premise, and it propels us to our ultimate goal of complete and total customer satisfaction. And a significant part of total satisfaction is our customers’ knowledge that they support a business that conducts themselves in an ethical and socially responsible manner. Listed below are some of the community efforts we’re known for…

Youth Leagues
Our support begins with the sponsorship of underfunded athletic teams and extends to all sports both boys and girls. We also share our enthusiasm and commitment to youth sports in the communities by supporting other businesses that make youth sports possible. We’re excited to play a small but significant role in reaching and molding young men and women and look forward to hearing from your organization and its support needs.
Another area where we seek to help youth leagues in our community is by supplying underfunded teams with low-cost uniforms. But we don’t stop there, we even go as far to choose a team to provide complete uniforms at no cost to them. We currently support football, basketball, baseball, softball, and soccer teams but are always open to hearing about your sports teams need for uniforms. All you have to do is register your team with a detailed description of why your team deserves the free uniform sponsorship, and that’s it. We’ll then choose one team from the submissions to receive the uniform sponsorship. The good news is the remaining teams still have the opportunity to take advantage of our low-cost uniform deals.
If your team needs assistance acquiring new uniforms, contact us now to learn how PrintCo Printing & Embroidery can help. For more immediate service, call us now 1-800-650-1867.
One of the ways we’re involved is by participating in the Box Tops for Education® program which has helped America’s schools raise over $445 million since 1996. We not only participate by clipping and collecting box tops, but also by matching the funds raised from box tops by schools who are members of our Loyalty Program. At PrintCo, we’re obsessed with box tops. All year long we collect Box Tops, found on thousands of products from cereal to office supplies. We not only collect them here at the shop amongst our employees, but we also encourage our customers to bring them in by providing special discounts for those members of our Loyalty Program that do. Bring in a certain number of box tops and the Box Top Discount is applied to your order. The Box Top Discount is just one of the ways PrintCo helps schools raise funds with box tops.
Another way we encourage the community to collect box tops is by matching the funds that schools raise during the year. Schools who are members of our Loyalty Program can receive up to 50% of the total funds raised from box tops in matching contributions from PrintCo. We verify your annual amount raised then depending on your Loyalty Program level we cut you a check for up to 50% of that amount. It’s that simple.
Another way we help support our community schools at PrintCo is by helping sponsor their Field Trips. We start by having special discounts on any field trip gear needed. From T-shirts and water bottles to tote bags and drawstring backpacks, we have many of the items you’ll need at a discounted price your budget can afford. We also have bundled Field Trip packages with all the items you’ll need, bundled in a complete package for any school budget.
Our latest and most ambitious scholastic venture is our PrintCo School Partnership Program. This program partners local schools with businesses in our community with the goal of helping schools with the educational development of our students. This assistance can take several forms such as direct funding, professional development, donation of goods or services, manpower, mentoring and others. The partnership’s mission is to help increase student achievement by engaging the business community in helping to address school needs and budgetary constraints.

FUNraiser Program
PrintCo understands the importance of school spirit, and how it unites a school. We also know the resulting pride leads to more involvement in school activities and ultimately students paying more attention to studies and class. Because of this, PrintCo offers discounts to schools on all spirit related gear and supplies. Whether you need custom foam fingers or noisemakers, from rooter pom poms to crowd megaphones, PrintCo has the school spirit items at the discounted pricing your school needs.
We don’t stop with school spirit discounts. We also provide discounts for school team wear so it’s easier to outfit your team with new modern uniforms. We provide discounts for full custom uniforms complete with warm-ups for schools either public or private. We also have uniforms for all sports and seasons, which you can couple with our school spirit discount and you have savings your school can use in other lesser funded activities.
Each year a lucky parent in our community will receive $500 toward starting a 529 Savings Plan started courtesy of PrintCo Printing & Embroidery. Contact us now to learn more details about this and our other programs.
Non-Profit Partnership
Whether if it’s these discounts or our sponsorship of events, we’re here to ensure the growth and strength of our community and look to partner with organizations with similar goals.
PrintCo accomplishes this by not only being mindful of the products and chemicals we use but also by donating a portion of our time and services to community clean-up projects. We also outfit these volunteers in safe high visibility t-shirts that not only display our strength and involvement in the community but also encourage additional community involvement from those we encounter.
We feel this is a critical time for our planet, and it takes all its inhabitants working together to create a brighter future for us all. And at PrintCo Printing & Embroidery creating a brighter future is not only our goal, but it’s our responsibility.
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